Habits are Powerful!

Over and over I talk about making changes that stick because it’s something most people want. (During speaking engagements, when I ask if anyone makes New Year’s resolutions, nearly everyone raises their hands.) My method is one you’ve heard me talk about here many times: take big changes, break them…

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Successfully Changing Habits

My friend Kevin was telling me of his weight loss struggles. He realized he kept procrastinating about working on the weight loss because there are about 10 habits he wanted to focus on to make it happen. He realized he was overwhelming himself by thinking about the 10 habits, and…

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Tips for Changes that Stick

It’s a new year and resolutions are being made and broken once again. Here are a couple of ways to help make changes that stick: Be realistic when setting goals. If your goals are too big, break them down into small pieces and work on them one at a time…

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