7 Keys to Longevity

Dana Smith, in an article in the New York Times, listed seven keys to longevity. They are not a big susprise, but are worth thinking about and, more importantly, making a priroity in our lives. Move More Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Get Enough Sleep Don’t Smoke, and Don’t Drink…

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Optimism Can Extend Your Life

I loved reading this brief article last year, which told about research showing staying optimistic and maintaining a positive outlook can directly extend the length of your life. The 30-year study followed 1,200 elderly people who were born in 1920 or 1921. The researchers analyzed their health, ability to function,…

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The Importance of Hobbies

A Wall Street Journal article last year talked about why hobbies are so important in retirement. I have many interests and believe I will not have a problem staying busy when I retire one day, but I was interested in seeing what they had to say, because hobbies are important…

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Critical Rules for Brain Health

I’ve written more than once about brain health, including earlier this year. Here is another list of critical rules for brain health from an excellent article I read: Keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check Manage sugar levels Get quality sleep Eat a nutritious diet Don’t smoke (and avoid…

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Smiling and Your Happiness

As I’ve written about, and spoken about, countless times, smiling is the simplest happiness tool. This article in Axios talks about smiling as “one of your most powerful tools — to improve health, bolster relationships and just feel better…” According to the article, research shows “Americans tend to smile more…

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Key Elements for Happy Living

I’ve written before about Arthur Brooks – articles of his I’ve read, the time I saw him as an event speaker, and episodes of his “How to Build a Happy Life” podcast. I very much enjoyed this podcast episode of his, featuring Robert Waldinger, a psychiatrist and a Professor of…

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