If you’ve read my book or my “Welcome” post and other blog posts, you know that it takes 21 days to form a habit, and that breaking down large goals into manageable pieces, implemented over 21-day periods, is how to make real, lasting change.

In addition to the worksheet for your running list of goals/life-improvement ideas, we’ve now created a worksheet to track each new habit as you implement it over 21 days. Click here to download a PDF of the 21-Day Habit Tracker worksheet. [Requires Adobe Acrobat]

More than one person has requested a form like this at my seminars. And, so, by popular demand, here we go.

Print up a form each 21 days. Post it in a prominent location that will help keep your goal top of mind. Paper is old school, but because the best way to ensure successful adoption of new habits is to work on one at a time, you won’t be papering over your whole house with these forms.

Best regards,


p.s. What do you think about the new worksheet? Join the conversation with your comments — and if you have any questions, post them below and I’ll respond…