Simplify with Less Stuff

Last year, a friend of mine helped orchestrate his parents’ move from their house—the one my friend grew up in—to an apartment in a high rise. In the high rise, they would no longer be responsible for maintenance of their home, the cleaning would be reduced dramatically because the apartment…

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Habits for Motivation

This is guest post by Alex Romero. You’re a nervous volunteer at a nursing home. You're nervous because of the sounds you're hearing coming from a room down the hall—metal screeching, drawers falling, and floorboards scratching. Hopefully the residents are okay. You get to the room and find three elderly…

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Strategies for Being Organized

“Be Organized” is the fourth of my Six Simple Rules for a Better Life. I read a piece in Fast Company about the secrets of the most productive people. Following are some of the “Be Organized” strategies shared in the piece, along with some additional thoughts from me: Belinda Johnson…

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Lessons from Letting It All Go

This is a guest post by Bethany Rosselit. Bethany blogs at Online Life Coaching, where she offers tips, e-courses, and individual e-mail, chat, and Skype sessions to help people simplify their lives, overcome their fears, and achieve their dreams. For the first 10 years of my marriage, I thought had…

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Just Get Started on Changes

Rather than waiting until the New Year to begin making changes, just start now. Here are some examples: Can't decide whether to join a board of a local not-for-profit, or to serve homeless at a soup kitchen, or to fund raise for the eradication of a disease? Just pick one…

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Organized Home, Organized Life

This is a guest post by Olivia Moore. The topic of being organized has been widely discussed and all the articles, surveys, and experiments have led to the same conclusion—being organized helps you to be successful in many aspects in life. Needless to say, the busy life makes it hard…

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