Rather than waiting until the New Year to begin making changes, just start now. Here are some examples:

  • Can’t decide whether to join a board of a local not-for-profit, or to serve homeless at a soup kitchen, or to fund raise for the eradication of a disease? Just pick one and get started.
  • Can’t decide if you should start working out with weights, or if you should take up running, or biking, or yoga? Just pick one and get started.
  • Can’t decide if you should cut down on red meat, or cut down on dessert, or cut down on bread? Just pick one and get started.
  • Can’t decide if you should organize your closet, your kitchen, or your basement? Just pick one and get started.

If you don’t start, it will never happen. Overthinking how to start and where to start is called analysis paralysis. The cure? Pick one thing. Break it down into small pieces. And dive in and start. Just pick one and get started.

What’s something you want to get started doing and when are going to do start? Join the conversation with your comments…

Best regards,
