This past summer, I began an intentional change in my media consumption. As a result, over the months since, I cut back on, or gave up completely, a bunch of activities.
I stopped watching late night talk shows. I had been DVRing them, and then watching the opening monologues the following mornings while exercising. I found them to be funny, but I decided I wanted to get back to spending more time reading books while on my stationary bike. I also turned off YouTube alerts.
I listen to many podcasts, but I unsubscribed to several and have become much quicker to skip given episodes, leaving more time to listen to music while driving.
I canceled my subscription to one of the three daily newspapers I was reading.
In the two newspapers I read, I now only look at their “Top Stories” sections. There, I can read headlines that I can click to take me to articles I choose to read. On most days, that is enough for me (as opposed to also looking at additional headlines within each individual section.)
I stopped reading the newspaper on vacation. I still keep up with the news via several daily e-mail summaries I receive.
I turned off breaking news alerts. I realized I liked being among the first to know, but decided that wasn’t important.
The result: I have been reading more books – more this year than I have in many years – without feeling a loss from what I gave up.
I highly recommend reviewing your media consumption. You may find, like I did, you had gotten into habits you might want to change if you rethink them.
Have you made changes to your media consumption? If so, what is your experience? Please join the conversation with your comments…
Best regards,