Many things that make me smile are things that I am grateful for and vice versa. That said, asking, “What Made You Smile This Week?” will lead to different answers than asking what you are grateful for. Gratitude is a well-established happiness strategy, one that is well worth doing on a daily basis. Short of that, try doing it at least weekly, starting today.

Here are some things I was grateful for/about this week:

That my son chose to work in NYC this summer, which allows us to get to see him with some frequency.

That I’ve figured out how to make good use of Siri for voice-into-text and for finding places.

Music and how much enjoyment it gives me so often, and in so many ways, including the Wilco concert I went to this week.

That the weather allowed me to ride my road bike instead of my stationary bike several early mornings this week.

That I am more flexible than I used to be when things don’t go as planned.

That so many places in Manhattan have healthy selections in their prepared foods case. I ate a quinoa salad when I was hungry just before a seminar this week. It was a small portion for $3.29 with cucumber, cranberries, corn, tomatoes, scallions, and olive oil. Very tasty. Less than a cupcake costs these days!

Your turn. What are some of the things you are grateful about this week? Please join in with your comments here, or privately, or on the Six Simple Rules Facebook page…