Love Beats Contempt

At least once a year, an event in the speaker series at 92Y in Manhattan catches my eye. I’ve seen several of my favorite writers, including Malcom Gladwell (three times) and Michael Lewis. This year, I saw Arthur Brooks in conversation with Simon Sinek. I have become a fan of…

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Gratitude & Thank-You Notes

Last year, I wrote about a webinar on emotional resilience that was part of our company’s wellness program. In a follow-up e-mail sent out by the leader of the session, Jen Arnold of Redesigning Wellness, Inc., she made suggestions of Ways to Practice Gratitude. Here, again, are a couple: Three…

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More Gratitude Habits

There is a very nice family I've known them for nearly 25 years. Several of them are real estate brokers and they have a monthly newsletter. I’ve been on their mailing list for many years and often find helpful tips. A recent newsletter contained a list of ways to practice…

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Gratitude Habits

Gratitude is something I’ve written about many times. It's always extra pertinent around Thanksgiving. As part of our company’s wellness program, we had a series of webinars on emotional resilience. Jen Arnold (of Redesigning Wellness, Inc.) who led the sessions, sent a series of follow-up e-mails. As she explained, gratitude…

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More Gratitude and Perspective

A reader wrote to me the following note about an old post of mine, Gratitude and Perspective… I completely agree with this post!  Whenever I have stress, I try to ask myself: “Are my kids healthy?  Are my wife and I healthy?” When the answers to those questions are “yes,” which is…

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More Kindness

After I republished my post Kindness & the Common Good in my monthly newsletter, a reader sent me this note I want to share with you: Thank you for this email (newsletter)! I have a constant, inner conversation with myself where I try to be mindful of the point of…

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