I was pleased to have a blog I wrote published on the wonderful Tiny Buddha web site last week. Here’s the first part of the piece, with a link to the rest…

Thirty-plus years ago, when I was applying to college, one of my friends used to say regularly, “We’ve gotta get involved with more extra-currics.”

He was talking about extracurricular activities. His (and our) interest was to build our “resumes” to enhance our attractiveness to college admissions officers.

Today, kids are building their resumes at younger and younger ages, and that’s a good thing. Even if their parents have an eye on enhanced college applications, there is a huge benefit to involving young people in community service. For those kids, adult involvement in community service will come naturally.

For me, community service came later in life.

Click here to the full article on tinybuddha.com

Best regards, David

p.s. One of my favorite parts of posting this piece was the wonderful comments that were submitted by readers. Please join the conversation, adding your comments on Tiny Buddha site, or here…