This year, my wife and I celebrated our 30th anniversary. Around the same time, I read a blog post called “8 Traits of a Happy Marriage, According to a Couples Therapist.”

I agree with all eight of the defining characteristics of long-lasting, happy marriages. I am particularly drawn to these seven (I don’t disagree with the other one, “They are curious,” I just don’t feel drawn to it the way I do to these seven)…

1. They stay committed.
2. They assume their partner is doing his or her best.
3. They communicate respectfully
4. They laugh.
5. They are flexible.
6. They share values.
7. They are willing to learn and grow.

Here is a link to the full article: 8 Traits of a Happy Marriage, According to a Couples Therapist.

What do you think are the defining characteristics for a marriage that lasts? Please join the conversation with your comments…

Best regards,
