As someone who has written and spoken countless times on making habits that stick, I was very interested in this piece in the Wall Street Journal: The New Science on Making Healthy Habits Stick. And, of course, January is a famous time for making, or attempting, to make new habits.
Here are some highlights from the piece:
1. Simplify and repeat
The more complex the behavior, the more difficult it is going to be to put on autopilot… Habits likely develop more quickly the more often they are repeated, says Milkman, and lessening your decision-making helps too… If you are trying to go to the gym regularly, reduce the amount of time and effort required by incorporating it into your work commute. That could mean choosing a gym between your home and workplace and keeping a bag with clean workout clothes in the back of your car…
2. Plan, but be flexible
3. Expect to feel worse at first
4. Make it fun
Read the whole piece for the details.
Stay well,