A bunch of years ago, I read Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think, by Peter Diamandis. Since that time, I have often read Diamandis’ newsletters. I wanted to share excerpts from one of his newsletters from late last year that came with the subject line, “Increase your healthspan, now.”

Per Peter Diamandis:

Your goal should be to live long enough to intercept the next bridge of technology, and the next one, and so on…

Don’t die from something stupid

One mistake that many of us make is to assume we’re healthy. Until that pain in your side brings you to the emergency room, where you find out that you’ve had a disease all along.

Perhaps it’s stage 3 cancer, or an aneurysm or significant heart disease that could have been easily detected… or any number of 100 preventable diseases.

The unfortunate truth is that most people don’t know the actual state of their health.

Eventually, we will all be wearing sensors, feeding our AI, in a fashion that constantly monitors our health.

But today, until that future arrives, it’s important to use advanced diagnostics (MRI, CT, genomics, metabolomics) to evaluate our health on an annual basis, with the goal of finding disease at stage-0…

Some people say: “I don’t want to know these things …”

…Of course you want to know. And you should do everything in your power to solve the medical problem and take advantage of these rapidly advancing technologies to increase your lifespan.

Sleep, Exercise, Diet and Mindset & Purpose

There’s a lot you can do right now to be healthier and extend your life by focusing on what I call the four basics: sleep, exercise, diet, and mindset.


Getting enough sleep is one of the most underappreciated elements of extending your lifespan.

You need 8 hours of sleep each night. If you think you’re one of those people who can get away with 5 or 6 hours of sleep, the scientific evidence is not on your side.

…regularly getting less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep each night doubles your risk of cancer and can increase the likelihood that you’ll develop Alzheimer’s disease. Insufficient sleep can also contribute to major psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and depression.

…Make sleep a priority.


The evidence is clear: muscle mass is one of the most important predictors of longevity.

We naturally lose muscle mass as we age, a condition called sarcopenia.

But you can slow and possibly even reverse this process with regular exercise, for instance, weightlifting and interval training.

Increasing muscle mass as you age can help to increase your lifespan in numerous ways.


Improving your diet can have immediate positive effects and ultimately increase your lifespan…decreasing or eliminating sugar from your diet can have immediate positive effects.

Reduced blood sugar levels have been linked to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and have been shown to lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart-related death.

Mindset & Purpose

…your mindset is a function of so many factors: Who do you spend time with? What do you read? What do you have on your walls? What media do you consume?

…a person who wants to live to 100 or 120 years old must have purpose in their life.

Otherwise, what’s the point of living longer?

Not simply living for the sake of another birthday, but truly living with a purpose in mind that is inspiring and motivating.

Here is a link if you want to learn more about Peter Diamandis and the work he does.

Stay well,
